Previous: Gemstones Episode 4.3: Keefe has sex with the Devil. So does Eli. With a pole dancer's dick and the Groundskeeper's butt
In the first part of Episode 4.3, Kelvin has night terrors and a feeling of impending doom as his last safe place is destroyed, the siblings worry that Eli is schtupping Aimee-Leigh's best friend, and BJ (Tim Baltz) falls on his head during a pole dancing contest
Tim with stunt double Ryan Moody
BJ is....: The family gathers at the hospital. Everyone wonders why Eli and Lori arrived at the same time, suspecting that the two are having s*x. Maybe focus on the crisis?
A doctor appears and tells Judy "I'm very sorry." Ulp.
No, BJ isn't dead, but he's paralyzed, and will have to use a wheelchair. Judy cries. "What are we going to do?"
Left: Maybe Ryan's little friend will cheer you up.
The Quail Hunt: Eli, Jesse, and some members of the Cape and Pistol Society in ridiculous floppy-hat uniforms shooting quail, I think. I don't see the significance of this scene, except to contrast with the Civil War scenes in the trailer.
How Many Gay Gemstones? Cut to the Cape and Pistol headquarters, where a minister congratulates Jesse on his brother being nominated for Top Christ Following Man of the Year. Rival megachurch pastor Vance Simkins (Stephen Dorff), one of the Season 3 antagonists, has also been nominated, and complains: "I guess your homosexual brother is the one with the juice nowadays."
"Two," Jesse answers. "The same number of dead parents in your family."
Wait -- he can't be agreeing that BJ is gay, so who is the second "homosexual"? Keefe? But he and Kelvin aren't married.
Gideon? Remember, Aimee-Leigh admitted Scotty to the family after his death, and Gideon hasn't expressed any interest in anyone since. Maybe he's still in mourning.
Vance tries again: "You're losing in our rivalry due to your poor character." You're not exactly a saint yourself, Vance Baby. His churches have turned into bathrooms, "with that filth your brother's been preaching. It's what your church is becoming known for. Does that bother you?"
More after the break