In Season 3 of Reacher, the iterant do-gooder (Alan Ritchson, below) mentors shy, troubled college student Richard Beck (Johnny Berchtold). Richard has a lot of queer codes, such as lack of expressed heterosexual interest and a preference for lavender. When he stands in Reacher's bedroom doorway after a crisis and asks "Are you ok?", I expected them to hug...or maybe kiss.
It's Episode 2.6, "New York's Finest."
The Story So Far: A member of Reacher's former military investigation team is murdered, and the whole team may be in danger, so the Man-Mountain and his buddies investigate, from Atlantic City to New York to Denver and back, as the players become more and more powerful. There are corrupt politicians, corrupt cops, enemies that turn out to be friends, and friends who turn out to be enemies.
When two hitmen target Reacher and his buds, they kill one and interrogate the other. He was hired by Swan (Shannon Kook, left), assistant head of security at the defense company New Age (dumb name, innit?).
They go to the New Age company to ask about Swan. Director of Operations Marlo arranges a meeting at a warehouse, but when they arrive, it explodes! She set them up!
I don't know who plays the hitman, but it could be Kyle Mac, seen here tied up next to Craig Henderson on Hemlock Grove (2013)
In Episode 2.6, the team will look for Marlo, who has gone into hiding.
Opening Ad: Why you should join the army, har har.
Scene 1: Reacher's team consists ofL
1. Francis Neaghley, his former partner (a woman)
2. The Hacker, a young woman.
3. David O'Donnell (Sean Sipos, below), below, a lawyer and heterosexual "family man."
They find Marlo and her teenage daughter on the security cam of a convenience store run by a sleazy, hetero-horny clerk. Noting that the daughter is a gamer, the Hacker suggests tracking her down through her gamer tag. First they have to wait until she begins playing.
Scene 2: While they are waiting, Reacher has sex with team member Francis.
More after the break.