Male nudity, gay romance, and queer codes in movies and television, especially "The Righteous Gemstones"
Fifteen glorious Gavins and magnificent muscle Munns from Australia, Ireland, Scotland, Ohio, and Hollywood
"True Blood": Vampires come out of the closet amid a Southern Gothic soap opera, with some vamp dicks
We have completely run out of tv shows to watch, except for The Simpsons and Doctor Who, which go on forever, so last night we latched onto True Blood, which ran from 2008 to 2014 on HBO.
This is the stereotypic South of Eudora Welty and Mama's Family, where people named Hoyt Fortenberry shop at the Piggly-Wiggly and drink sweet tea on the veranda, where everyone is related to everybody else's great-grand daddy once removed, and where the War means the Civil, I mean the War of Yankee Aggression.
It starts in media res, two years after vampires have "come out of the coffin," har har -- yep, the connection with LGBT people is just that heavy-handed -- due to the invention of artificial blood, brand name True Blood, which some humans have developed a taste for. Snooty fratboy Brett (Josh Kelly, left), looking for a store that sells it, learns too late that every long-haired, multi-ringed Goth isn't a vampire; and sometimes chubby rednecks are.We switch to the problems of Tara, who gets fired from or quits every job because she doesn't abide idiots and her best friend Sookie, who can read minds. Sookie and soon Tara work at Merlotte's Bar, where the owner, Sam Merlotte (Sam Trammell, top photo and left), is in love with her. He won't come out with it, but of course Sookie can read his mind.
The only gay character so far is the bar's swishy cook, Lafayette (Nelsan Ellis), a stereotyped flamboyant, promiscuous queen who claims he's done most of the men in town, and likes to flirt with racist, homophobic rednecks to get them all scared. He doesn't get a boyfriend until late in the series.
That same evening, the bar's other waitress, Maudette, hooks up with Sookie's brother, Jason (Ryan Kwanten). She's a fangbanger, a human who likes sex with vampires, because they get rough. She offers to show him the video, which turns him on so much that he wants to do rough sex, including strangling her...a little too enthusiastically. And she's taping the encounter!
Kelton''s nude photos, with new cock shots, Jak, Gavin, and a bonus fratboy
Kelton Dumont, best known as Pontius on The Righteous Gemstones, has not been forthcoming with a lot of physique photos. This shoulder and arm is about all you're going to see. But nudity is another matter: he gave us a butt and partial dick shot on the show, and a search of hookup sites reveals some other possibilities.
1. Charleston, February 2024. I think Kelton was at Bennington College during that month.
We know that Kelton went back to brunette, and they were filming Righteous Gemstones Season 4 in June 2024, so how does this one look:
2. Hair is too long, but same size cock as the other one. A possibility.
On to the canonical nudity:
More Kelton after the break
Devon Werkheiser: Ned's Declassified gay panic, gay friends, bare butts, and a nude Nolan Gould
20 years ago, when LGBTQ people could never be mentioned on kids' tv, Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide (2004-2007) was a gay-subtext classic.
The bully Loomer (Kyle Swann), who has a gay-subtext friendship with his crony, struggles to "come out" about his interest in fashion design -- as close to "gay" as they could get.
Buddy Jennifer is afraid to ask the school hunk (Alex Black) for a date, so Ned volunteers to do it. The hunk believes that Ned wants the date, and replies “Sure, but just as friends. I like you, Ned, but not in that way," boldly implying that gay dating is commonplace at Polk Middle School.
A Buzzfeed article on "21 Actors Who Came Out after Playing LGBTQ Characters" states that Ned was gay, but Nickelodeon was not permitting gay characters at the time, and I seem to recall Ned getting a girlfriend. It also states that Devon is gay in real life, but he's married to a woman, so probably not.
After the School Survival Guide, Devon capitalized on his teencom fame with Shredderman Rules, Christmas in Paradise, and Love at First Hiccup, where his characters win the Girls of their Dreams.
California Scheming sounds like a comedy, but it's actually a thriller: "A teen seductress pulls three other privileged Malibu kids into her devious scheme, and unforeseen consequences force the group to face their own fears and mortality." Sounds awful, but at least it gives us an underwear bulge.
According to the reviews, Sundown (2016) starts out a teen sex comedy and turns dark. Plus it's "strictly offensive...trans- and homophobic and downright degrading," according to the L.A. Times.
Montgomery Brothers Manscaping: "If you've got a dick, we're on it."
Montgomery Brothers Manscaping
For all your manscaping needs
Beards, pits, pecs, pubes
"If you've got a dick, we're on it."
Karl Montgomery is not only an owner, he's a customer.
"Love Lies Bleeding": Lesbian neo-noir in the New Mexico desert, with some musclemen and bonus dicks
Friday's Movie Night movie was Love Lies Bleeding (2024), about a lesbian couple involved with bodybuilding, gun-running, and murder. I was not happy with the choice, thinking that it would be constant breasts and other body parts, but the sex scenes are actually quite subdued: a flash of breast in the first, fully clothed in the second. And there are two scenes with beefcake.
The story: In a New Mexico desert community that seems to be all desert, no community, Lou runs a run-down gym, then goes home to her horrible apartment to feed her cat and be depressed.
Meanwhile, homeless bodybuilder Jackie -- wait, how can you work out six hours a day and eat 5,000 calories while homeless? -- has sex with JJ (Dave Franco) to score a job as a waitress at main local business, a shooting range which is also a front for a drug-and-gun smuggling operation.
Left: Dave Franco's butt
Depressed Lou visits her relatives so she can be a tad less depressed. Surprise: JJ is her brother! He was cheating on his wife earlier! Casting stupidity: Lou and JJ look exactly alike, but he is actually her brother in law, and the woman playing her sister looks absolutely nothing like her.
Next, Bodybuilder Jackie wanders into Depressed Lou's gym. They bond over clobbering some sexist jerks played by Keith Jardin, left, and Jerry G. Angelo, below. Lou has a side gig selling illegal steroids to gym members; she gives Jackie some for free because, you know, she's cute. Soon they're kissing, then sexing, and then Lou invites this random hookup to move in. Not smart, girlfriend.
Although this is small-town New Mexico in 1989, the lesbian couple is accepted with utter nonchalance. I imagine if it was two guys, the townsfolk would horrified.
The only problem: Depressed Lou's employee, the ditzy comic-relief Daisy, has a crush on her, and is jealous of this new person in her life. This will become important later.
Oh, wait, I forgot the other problem: when Depressed Lou brings Bodybuilder Jackie to meet the family, and it comes out that Jackie had sex with her brother-in-law JJ, she recoils in disgust. First, she doesn't believe that "bisexual" is a thing; either you like girls, or you like boys. Second, why JJ? He's an abusive jerk. Lou often wants to kill him. Uh-oh, don't tell your bodybuilder-girlfriend with a sketchy past that you want to kill someone.
More after the break