Jake Short was born in 1997 in Indianapolis. After some early roles, he became teencom-famous in
ANT Farm (2011-14), a Disney Channel sitcom about a middle school for gifted students (ANT stands for Advanced Natural Talents). His Fletcher Quinby is an artistic genius, and of course heterosexual, with two girlfriends before the series ends.
This led directly to
Mighty Meds (2013-15) with comic book fanboys Oliver and Kaz (Jake, Bradley Steven Perry) discovering a hospital for superheroes, and eventually acquiring superpowers of their own. They have a gay-subtext romance, although each dates girls.
Jeffrey James Lippold, left, played The Crusher in 15 episodes.
In the spin-off Lab Rats: Elite Force (2016-17), they team up with superheroes Bree and Chase.
We can say that the adult Jake appeared in All Night (2018), a tv series about high schoolers locked in the school overnight for a bacchanal involving s*x and other illicit activity.
Man of the House (2018), about two divorced sisters who move in together, and their son has to learn "what manhood means when he's entirely surrounded by females." Just grow a pair and make them a lesbian couple.
The First Team (2020), only lasted for six episode, but it's from the BBC, so that may not indicate a failure. It follows three players in a British Premiere League Football Team (the most prestigious).
Supercool (2021), Neil (Jake) wishes to be cool enough to talk to the Girl of His Dreams, and the wish comes true, straining the relationship with his bff (Miles G; Harvey).
There's nothing s*xual going on in this scene.
S*x Appeal (2022) is about a girl who wants to do it a lot of times, so she'll be ready for her long-distance boyfriend, played by Jake.
And that's about it. Not much since 2022. Jake has been playing golf, running a podcast....
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