Friday, September 8, 2023

Finally, Danny McBride Nude


I've delivered nude photos of Tony Cavalero, Adam Devine, Tim Baltz, and who knows how many other guys from The Righteous Gemstones, but I've skipped over Danny McBride.  I guess it just never occurred to me that anyone would want to see his body parts.  He strikes me as exceptionally unattractive, but that's just me.  Readers wanted to see cock, balls, and butt, so they'll get to see his cock, balls, and butt.

The man likes his beer.  That must be an extremely uncomfortable bath.

In Eastdown and Out, Danny plays a foul-mouthed, racist, homophobic washed-up baseball player.  Who covers his crotch while hanging out nude.  A lot more hair than in the beer bathtub.

Here he's reputedly in the locker room, displaying his crotch.  I'm not sure I believe it: this guy is more hirsute than the previous.

In Vice Principals, we get a shot of Danny's character in the shower.  He's been sunning in a Speedo.

The Nude Male Celebrity site said that this was Danny McBride in the midst of a same-sex liaison.  I doubt it, but if it's him, he'd have to be on the bottom.

And a full-body nude shot.

Thursday, September 7, 2023

"Isn't It Romantic?" Adam Devine and Liam Hemsworth as romcom hunks. Guess which gets the girl?


Since the 1990s, when movies began including gay character who weren't villains or victims, the standard romcom model gives the focus girl a gay bff.  He doesn't actually do anything gay, like check out hot guys or look for a boyfriend; he just swishes about, offering witty or catty comments and advising the girl on whether she should choose the rich jerk or the down-home boy.

Isn't It Romantic
 (2019) parodies the genre: under-appreciated, overweight architect Natalie (Rebel Wilson) thinks that she is unworthy of love.  Her assistant  claims that her best friend Josh (Adam Devine) is in love with her, but Natalie  doesn't believe her.   Wait -- Adam's Bumper was dating Rebel's Fat Amy in Pitch Perfect 1-2.  Way to keep it in the family, guys.  

So, Adam has corpulent girlfriends or potential girlfriends in Pitch Perfect 1-2, Isn't It Romantic, and The Righteous Gemstones (I  don't care what he told Keefe, Kelvin was dating Taryn).  And probably other works, too.  I don't have any first-hand experience, but I have heard that corpulent women are often considered unattractive.  Adam is one of the most attractive men on the planet.   Are we supposed to find the juxtaposition funny?

Back to Natalie: after being hit over the head, she awakens in a  world where everyone plays different roles, sort of like Dorothy's experience in The Wizard of Oz.   She lives in a huge upscale apartment. Everything on the street is bright and shiny.  The women are all supermodels, the men chiseled hunks (left: Hugh Sheridan as one of several "Cute Guys").  People burst into heavily choreographed songs at random movements.  The downside: Natalie can't have sex, because the scene always cuts from the kiss to the next morning.

More after the break

Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Keefe's Capacious Cock: Where does Tony end and the prosthetic begin?


Adam Devine has starred in lots of movies and tv shows about hapless dudebros who have their cock or butt put on display as a form of humiliation, but Tony Cavalero didn't have many starring roles before Keefe, so no humiliation nudity.  All I found from his pre-Gemstone work was Ozzy Osbourne sticking a dollar bill up his butt in The Dirt, and this photo from Tony's instagram, nude with a cat sculpture covering his privates.

The Righteous Gemstones has given us a bit more.  In Season 2, Keefe appears in a jockstrap several times, notably as he is preparing to try the cross-raising challenge.

Keefe does some splits on the ground to warm up the crowd, and coincidentally to present himself as an erotic object.  Oddly, he appears to be a bottom.  In Season 3, he is totally a top.

Other than the single testicle and the mushroom head, the only cock shot comes in Episode 1.9, when Keefe is immersed in an isolation tank at Club Sinister, and "regressing to a transitive state."  

Why is his cock exposed? Why is he aroused?   Some viewers speculated that it is for the pleasure of the partygoers, but they'd have to splash through a milky liquid to get to it.  Maybe just for its aesthetic appeal.

Cavalero said in an interview that the cock was "mostly" him.  You can't stay aroused during an entire lengthy take without a fluffer, so they would need a prosthetic for the arousal.  

But where does the prosthetic end and Tony begin?

I guess you'll have to ask someone who has seen him aroused in real life, like his wife Annie, or Adam Devine (long story).  Or see if he has any openings for a fluffer.

See also: Keefe's Capacious Cock, Part 2: The Mushroom Head

Tony's Hot/Hung Photos,Part 1: Boner pills, Death Water, dildos, and "Why the hell not?"

Tony's Hot/Hung Photos, Part 2: A leather jock strap, an isolation tank, and honeymoon with the hubbie