Scoundrels pretending to be priests, ministers, and nuns? It's outdated. I've already seen Sister Act, Nuns on the Run, and the Civil War episode of Righteous Gemstones. But I'm still going to review Irreverent (2022), on Peacock, because it is set in Australia and stars Colin Donnell, the Green Arrow in the DC Universe and Connor Rhodes in Chicago P.D., Chicago Fire, Chicago Med...well, all of the Chicagos.
Irreverent is based on Impastor (sic), a 2015-16 series starring Michael Rosenbaum, Lex Luther on Smallville. Not particularly relevant, but an opportunity to post Lex Luther's d*ck.
Man's Haircut comes running up late and asks what happened. A croc ate the preacher. "Not another one! That's three in two months." Maybe stop holding weddings on the beach? Where will they find a replacement?
Scene 2: Chicago (a town in the United States). In a parking garage, Paulo meets with some mafiosi. The Boss wants a ceasefire, and is offering $1.6 million to seal the deal.
So the Boss's Son (Charles Cottier) opens fire, killing the men. Paulo is shot, but manages to sneak up and hit him with a brick, killing him. He's in trouble now! He runs. Wait -- they both work for the Boss, so why is the Boss's Son targeting Paulo? I guess this is all irrelevant, just a Maguffin to get Paulo to Australia.
Scene 3: Paulo bangs on the door of his boyfriend Lewis (Marcus Johnson), who runs a boxing gym. Lewis fixes him up -- nice chest shot -- but says he can't hide out there -- it's the first place the Boss will look. He decides to go to the airport, figure out a way to hide the money, and catch the first plane to "the other side of the planet." They hug.
Cut to Clump, where the townsfolk are gathered in a cabana, discussing plans to greet the new preacher and his wife. They take bets on how long he'll stay alive. Is that a gay couple cuddling? Nope, in a close up we see that the guy is cuddling the woman with the man's haircut, now wearing a constable's uniform to obfuscate her gender even more. Gay Tease #1
Scene 4: On the plane, the town's New Preacher (PJ Byrne, below) is rehearsing a speech. When he talks about his years of boredom, should he say he was alone, or with Greg? Wait -- the New Preacher is gay! Paulo sits next to him, with the money hidden in thick hardback books.
New Preacher: "Are you married?"
Paulo: "No."
New Preacher: "Neither am I. I was, but my wife ditched me at the airport. Served me divorce papers so she could be with Greg." So Greg is the guy the wife was having an affair with, described in a weird way so we would think he was New Preacher's boyfriend. Gay Tease #2.
Paulo tries to ward the guy off, but he's keen to buddy-bond.
Scene 5: The Gold Coast (a region of Queensland around Brisbane). New Preacher and Paulo -- same hotel, go figure -- sit in the bar while waiting for their rooms to be ready.
As Paulo tries to discourage his advances, he announces that because his wife has left him, he has no purpose in life. Um...your ministry?
Also, he not going to take the new job in Clump, because his wife leaving him proves that there is no God. Say what? Dude, people get dumped every day.
Next: "Our rooms are on the same floor. What is the universe trying to tell us?" That you're soul mates? Paulo tries to discourage him again, but then he feels guilty and buys New Preacher a drink.
Scene 6: Paulo is very drunk, high on painkillers, and jet-lagged. New Preacher helps him into his room, and pushes him down onto the bed. You won't get any action, buddy -- he's too drunk.
Cut to Paulo waking up in his underwear. Did New Preacher get some after all? No, he stole Paulo's clothes, along with his money, credit cards, everything! Gay Tease #3
Paulo rushes to the Preacher's room, but it's empty except for a clerical robe. He puts it on, then asks at the front desk -- New Preacher checked out four hours ago! The parish booked the room, and sent a car for him, so there's no personal information listed.
The only thing left is to drive to Clump and see if they have some personal information.
Clump is a three day drive north of Brisbane. Assuming that he drives eight hours per day, it's right around Cairns.
More after the break, including Colin's cock