Everyone drools over Ultra-Richster, who will decide on the next junior partner. They have to really butter him up!
Ingrid rushes to her office, ignores a phone call from her mother, and tells her assistant to gather all the intel needed to wow Ultra-Richster.
She also meets her new paralegal Justin (Roby Attal), a white dudebro who has his feet on his desk and is busily texting and ignoring his duties.
Left: Nolan's butt. He's having sex with a lady.
Ingrid's friend asks why she was assigned such a terrible paralegal. The answer: since Ingrid is Korean-American, HR thought that assigning her only paralegals of color might be construed as racist, so they got her a white one. Problem: they couldn't find any competent white paralegals.
Friend shoves his feet off the desk and yells: "Ingrid graduated #2 in her class at Harvard Law. You will show her some respect!" Oh, please, every lawyer on tv graduated at the top of their class at Harvard Law.
Scene 2: Out of nowhere, Friend asks "What happened to the Brit you hooked up with long time ago? You said he was like Bogart from Casablanca?" Ingrid shrugs. "It was just a hookup." "Well, he was just hired by this firm. A chance for you to get laid, and take your mind off your obsession with becoming partner!" Why do you care so much? Are you a standard romcom friend who exists only to goad the big city girl into accepting the small-town hunk? Or, in this case, hunky Brit?
Scene 3: Ingrid runs into Tyler (Bradley Gibson).
He is wearing a blue suit, so he's a nice guy. This series is as color-coordinated as an old Western. He is bragging to someone on his cellphone that he has landed a bunch of accounts, plus he started reading
Vogue, Teen Vogue, and
Women's Wear Daily when he was 11. The guy on the phone is impressed, and gives him the account.
Left: Zane's butt. He's having sex with a guy.
I thought Tyler would be a standard romcom gay bff, but he asks Ingrid to "come say hi to the kids at the reception tonight." Was that thrown in to identify him as heterosexual? About 20% of gay men have kids, you know. There are several ways to get the job done that dont require sex with a lady.
Scene 4: Not looking where she is going, Ingrid has a splat! meet-cute encounter with...you guessed it, the Brit, she used to date, Jeff Murphy (Dominic Sherwood). He stares in cliched teencom Girl-of-my-dreams lust, but unfortunately he doesn't remember Ingrid from their long-ago hookup. He was way drunk that night. Ingrid is way pissed.
Whoops, Brit Jeff was hired at level five, whatever that means, so he's in the running for junior partner, too. Romance between competitors, a cliched...um, I mean classic romcom trope.
Scene 5: All of the contenders -- Dan, Todd, Brit Jeff, and Ingrid -- watch in amusement as the Richster demolishes fawning acolyte Sanders: "Don't ask if you can ask a fucking question, just ask the fucking question! And don't laugh. Laughter is a coward's expression of fear."
They bet on which cliched business phrase Richster will use first.
Scene 6: A meeting. Who wants to work on getting a corporate merger contract worth $2.9 billion? Wait -- is that the law firm's fee? Ingrid brags about her qualifications, repeatedly, and is ignored. He assigns Grey Suit Dan instead. "And this deal is confidential. Any leak, and I will fucking tear up your fucking license my fucking self."
Out in the hallway, Grey Suits Dan assigns Ingrid some grunt work. She fumes. Is she going to start murdering these grey suits?
Scene 7: Another meeting. The big boss walks right by Ingrid to shake hands with Dudebro Paralegal Justin, because he has a penis. Maybe he wants to see it? Then he orders Ingrid to bring them some wine. She relegates the task to Justin. "Oh...you're the associate? Sorry...you look so...young." He means "lacking a penis." Everybody else arrives, and Ingrid is ignored again as they delve into sports and car metaphors.
Guys demonstrate that they have penises after the break