Recently American comedies have been breaking the longstanding rule that sitcom characters have to be nice, the sort of people you'd want to invite into your home in real life. Of course, the British have been doing it for years, but in the U.S. it's so uncommon that it still comes as a jolt to see someone who isn't very likeable in a sitcom.
You're the Worst, on Hulu, warns you in advance. Jimmy and Gretchen (Chris Geere, Aya Cash) are horrible, amoral people who dislike each other (well, except in the bedroom) and pursue a five-season long romance culminating in a series-finale wedding. The B-plots usually involve the marital squabbles of another amoral couple who dislike each other, Edgar and Lindsay (Desmin Borges, Kether Donohue).
I already reviewed an episode where rapper Sam Dresden gets cancelled for using the f*-word, but turns out to be ok with gay men -- they're good at sucking. To see if he is still bisexual or straight-but-open-to-oral interests, I reviewed Episode 5.6, "This Brief Fermata." According to the Google AI, "A fermata is a musical symbol indicating that a note should be held longer than its normal duration."
Scene 1: Jimmy and Gretchen are planning the table seating for their wedding reception, but Paul, Allan McLeod, is too boring to be placed. They deserve a break from the drudgery of planning the wedding. Jimmy suggests Fuck Week, a week where they can have sex with whoever they want. He is surprised that Gretchen is so quick to agree.
Scene 2: Monday. At her job at the public relations firm, Gretchen checks out the hunk bulges and butts. Assistant Lindsay notes a problem with Rapper Sam, Brandon Mychal Smith: his new track is bad, "Vietnam bad."
But Gretchen doesn't care: it's Fuck Week, so she and Lindsay can go "day dicking" like they used to, at the Museum of Tolerance and Barney's Beanery -- wait, the notorious "Fagots keep out" joint?
First she has to sign up the new guy, Nok Nok -- Lou Taylor Pucci, top photo. She figures he's so spaced-out, he'll be easy to snare, but he wants to hear the full pitch -- "Strategy, targets, concept art." Uh-oh, she'll have to do work instead of getting dick.
Scene 3: Tuesday: Gretchen and Jimmy eat Chinese food while watching Nok Nok's videos and trying to come up with a pitch. Jimmy has lipstick on his collar -- he's already successfully gotten laid.
Wait -- Buddy Edgar brings him a drink and gazes lustfully, but Jimmy shakes his head. Did they have sex, or is Edgar offering?Cut to Wednesday: Gretchen revealing her pitch to Nok Nok. He doesn't like it: how about a hard-scrabble life? He was on the street at age 15, and he's a single dad?
Assistant Lindsay went out dicking yesterday, and she, too successfully got laid. By the way, Rapper Sam is angry because his new, terrible track hasn't seen any radio play yet. But screw it: Gretchen is going to forget about work and get some dick.
Scene 4: Thursday. Jimmy comes in with a hickey, having gotten laid again. Another lustful gaze from Buddy Edgar. Are they going at it? Gretchen is still working.
More after the break. Caution: Explicit