Drunk History (2013-2019) is a comedy series in which drunken comedians describe historical events to a narrator, who responds approvingly with smiles and laughter. Meanwhile they are acted out by guest stars (with the comedian providing the voices).
In Episode 3.15, "Space," there are three stories: Carl Sagan falls in love with Ann Druyan, Werner von Braun invents rockets, and two Russian cosmonauts become the first humans in space. Let's start with the cosmonauts. Kyle Kenane tells this story to Derek Waters.
In 1965, cosmonauts Pavel Belyayev (Adam Devine) and Alexey Leonov (Blake Anderson, his co-star on Workaholics) have nothing going on in their lives, so they volunteer for the space mission. Alexey, in addition, will take a space walk.
Pictured: Adam and Anders Holm, another Workaholics star. I just wanted to post some Adam Devine beefcake photos.
They do the standard comedic hand-holding and hugging during the various crises on the flight, but the gay subtext intensifies when they crash-land in Siberia.
They are 2,000 kilometers from home, in the middle of mating season. Wolves and bears approach "with raging hard-ons." The guys look at each other, and Pavel says: "I guess we can start with some sweet kisses."
Wait -- do they intend to mate with the animals or with each other? Their expression seems to suggest each other.
Then they are rescued, hug, and receive accolades back home in Moscow. Good luck as a gay couple in 1960s Russia, guys. End of segment.
That's quite a lot of queer codes for six minutes. (Left: Blake Anderson's dick, or something like it). We cut to Derek Waters and Steve Berg holding hands as they prepare to frolick in zero gravity.