Friday, April 12, 2024

Marcus Hodson: Shape-shifting demon or hyper-masculine Midlands model? With nude merman bonus

On Dead Hot (2024), Marcus Hodson plays a shape-shifting demon, a hermetic Magus who travels between esoteric realms through the Eye of Horus bar and its mysterious Red Phone.  I wanted to know if he plays other mysterious Pucks or Lords of Misreason, but his IMDB listing is rather basic  Five roles, all 2022-2024: 

You Like That, a short about a gay American student in Edinburgh.

The Stand-up Sketch Show, where comedians perform "a surreal reconstruction of their own material."  Marcus is a background player in five episodes.

An episode of Domino Day, about a young witch "haunted by her need to feed on others." In Episode 2, Marcus plays a hookup who smooches with her and is eaten.

Gentleman in Moscow
is about a Russian aristocrat placed under house arrest in a hotel for the rest of his life after the 1917 revolution.  He befriends a little girl who also lives in the hotel; Marcus plays her piano teacher.

He also plays one of the mermen in The Little Mermaid.

Only one other paranormal show, and he doesn't even play a supernatural being?

Not many biographical details available. A 2021 article in Pause magazine states that he is 25 years old, from Manchester but living in London. He began modeling at age 18, then started university, but left to go pro.

In spite of the paucity of biographical details, Marcus has a very active social media presence, with hundreds of posts about travel, food, and beefcake. Here he is in Greece

In Rome

On the beach.  Does Marcus have a palsy disorder in his left hand, or is he displaying some magickal gestures?

More after the break

"The Things We Do For Love": Based on the 10cc song


Too many broken hearts have fallen in the river. 

Too many lonely souls have drifted out to sea. 

You lay your bets and then you pay the price -- the things we do for love.

Communication is the problem, not the answer. 

You've got his number and your hand is on the phone. 

The weather's turned, and all the lines are down -- the things we do for love.

Like walking in the rain and the snow, when there's nowhere to go.

And you're feeling like a part of you is dying.  

And you're looking for the answer in his eyes. 

You think you're going to break up, then he says he wants to make up.

A compromise would surely help the situation.

Agree to disagree. but disagree to part.  

When after all it's just a compromise of the things we do for love.

More after the break

John Amos: The guy from "Roots" and "Good Times" naked at the gym


Former footballer and coast guardsman John Amos was everywhere on television in the 1970s and 1980s.

The adult Kunta Kinte in Roots (1977).

Gordy the Weatherman on The Mary Tyler Moore Show (1970-77)

The longsuffering dad James Evans on Good Times (1974-79)

The sword-and-sorcery fighter Seth in Beastmaster (1982)

Plus guest shots on Sanford and Son, Maude, Police Story, Love Boat, The name it, he was in it.

I didn't see much of him during the 80s and 90s -- not on screen, anyway.  We went to the same gym in West Hollywood.  

John was always gracious to his flirtatious gay fans, leading us to speculate that he was gay in real life -- he's been married to women twice, and has two children, but you never know.  

We never became friends, but we developed a nodding acquaintance.  And I saw him naked in the locker room once or twice.

Naked after the break