Saturday, March 30, 2024

Balkan Beefcake: Twelve bulging Bosnians, hung Herzegovians, and Croatian cocksmen

ILGA Europe ranks all 49 European countries on LGBT equality, and the Balkan states do surprisingly well: Montenegro scores 61%, higher than the Netherlands, and Croatia  51%, higher than Switzerland. Bosnia and Herzegovina 39.5%, and Serbia 35%, score higher than Italy.   

Of course, legal equality does not necessarily translate into gay-friendliness for the traveler. Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, has only one gay-specific bar.  Guys meet through private parties and the internet.

Sex god from Sarajevo

Mostar, two hours by train south of Sarajevo, near the Adriatic Sea, is famous for its old Turkish quarter, as well as the Museum of War and Genocide Victims.  Ok...well, there are three gay-friendly bars.

Nijvice, Croatia, a resort town near the Italian border.  But you have to go through Slovenia to get there, so it takes about three hours.

More Balkan beefcake after the break

Serbian and Croatian claim to be separate languages, but they are as similar as American and British English, separated only by the alphabet: Serbia, primarily Orthodox, uses Cyrillic, while Croatia, primarily Roman Catholic, uses Roman.

Croatian cock.  It's just the angle.

Belgrade, Serbia has some gay bars and saunas, but the public culture is limited. Belgrade Pride is often cancelled by the police

Belgrade muscle

Belgrade Platonic pals

It's just the angle.

1 comment:

  1. Is this were they find all those beautiful and sexy Bel Ami boys ?
