Siblings is a Britcom (2014-16) now streaming on Amazon Prime, featuring lazy, amoral siblings Hannah and Dan (Charlotte Richie, Tom Stourton). Reminds me of
The Other Two, so let's take a look at "Wheelchair Conference," which the IMDB calls Episode 1.1, but Amazon Episode 3.3
Scene 1: At breakfast, Dan is describing a bank robbery that "really happened," but it turns out to be a movie. Hannah has to rush to work (at 10:30), because she has a new boss who might expect her to show up. The old one was always drunk, and didn't notice whether she was there or not.
But what is Dan supposed to do while she is away? "Go out and make a friend."
Scene 2: Hannah rushes into the office just as Drunk Boss is leaving. He's been sacked for good for silly things like "gross incompetence." Now she has to find a way to kiss up to the new boss
Cut to the coffee shop, where Dan approaches a Writer (Rob Carter, who is heterosexual) busily working on his novel (just work at home0. He asks inane questions, and "jokes" that he's going to pour coffee on the guy's laptop. But he slips, and actually does! (just work at home). Friendship attempt thwarted, he leaves.
Scene 3: After a long day of trying unsuccessfully to make friends, Dan comes home to Hannah conducting extensive research on the new boss, looking for an angle. The problem is, there are a lot of Annette Walkers online, so she has to learn about everything from Costa Rica to the University of Hull.
Ulp, there's a homeless guy named Biscuit in the house. Time for a lot of jokes about how homeless people are disgusting, har har, and Dan is an idiot for inviting one home, har har. About 40% of homeless youth are LGBT, kicked out by homophobic parents. A sizeable percentage are victims of physical and sexual abuse.
Scene 4: At the office, Hannah tries to kiss up to the new boss by demonstrating her knowledge of Costa Rica and the University of Hull, but this is a different Annette Walker. She's been going through the reports, and discovers that Kevin's job encompasses Hannah's job, so one of them is redundant. Hannah falsely accuses Kevin of being homophobic, so he'll be let go.
Interesting -- 20 years ago you would be fired for being gay, and now you're fired for being homophobic.Kevin is played by Matthew Steer. No intel on whether he's gay.
Uh-oh, Kevin is talking to the new boss about his report analyzing five years of appraisal statistics. Hannah heads him off with "Weren't you saying last week that gay people shouldn't be allowed to live by the seaside?" ""
The Boss can't work late tonight, because she's meeting her son for dinner, and she has to get the company car refitted for his wheelchair. What a coincidence -- Kevin had to get his car refitted for his mother-in-law's wheelchair! Uh-oh, Hannah is out.
Or maybe not: "My brother Dan uses a wheelchair, too. He's 23."
"My son is 23, too! Why don't the two of you come to dinner with us tonight!" Setting them up on a date?
It takes a while to become accustomed to using a wheelchair.
Scene 5: Dan falls head-over-heels in love with the son, Charlie, who is a video game developer -- his dream job! And Charlie is impressed by the jokes that Dan's sister hates. Dan asks him out on a date:
"Sorry, I have a basketball game tomorrow night, but you can come and watch. We're playing in the semis."
"I've got a semi right now!" Thanks for sharing, buddy.
Charlie is played by David Proud, who uses a wheelchair in real life. He is famous for his role as Adam Best, a snobbish Oxford student, on EastEnders, and is heterosexual in real life.
Back at dinner, Dan explains how he had the "accident" that led to his needing a wheelchair: he was jet-skiing in Puerto Rico with this smokin' hot supermodel -- incredible body -- and they were making out, and...dude, I don't care if your bi, but you won't attract gay men by talking about ladies with incredible bodies.
Scene 6: Boss Annette invites Heather to a business weekend, where they will be staying "in a hotel" (
tell me more, tell me more)Cut to the wheelchair basketball team in a pub after the game (hey, no fair -- I wanted to see some of the game). Dan asks Charlie to stay with him "for the rest of my life." Too soon, dude!
Left; Random n*de guy who uses a wheelchair.
Then Dan invites Charlie for a sleepover: "Of course, we won't be doing much sleeping!" Charlie balks, a straight dude not realizing that Dan has been hitting on him, so he backtracks "Because we'll be watching films and stuff, not sex."
More after the break