Showing posts with label bodybuiler. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bodybuiler. Show all posts

"Fit Hot Guys Have Problems, Too"

I know what people think when they see me:

That I'm so hot, it's insane

When I exit a pool, I do it in slow motion.

But that doesn't mean I can't complain.

Don't look at me, I'm not flexing for you.

I have almost no body fat,

But I'm too bummed to talk about that.

I know I look much better than you,

But fit hot guys have problems too.

Everyone is at my sexual mercy,

Be they a mister or a miss.

But when they're on their knees,

I get no sympathy

More after the break

Because they can only see this.

My pecs are perfect, but I have bad days.

So don't objectify me with your male or female gaze.

I had childhood traumas, just like you.

'Cause fit hot guys have problems too.

--"Fit Hot Guys," from Crazy Ex-Girlfriend

See alsoDouble Vision, with nude photos of Gideon and Keefe