I was interested in Michal Filipiak, the Fat Thug in The Hooligan, so I checked his projects available in the U.S., and found Go Ahead, Brother (2024), a "thriller" tv series which as an added bonus has some very muscular guys.
Scene 1: Night. Soldiers with guns drawn approach a middle-class home. They enter and find the drug lab.
Cut to Oskar (Piotr Witkowski, left) trying to explain to his superior what happened that night. He was supposed to be guarding Sokol, but he let his guard down, and his partner died.
"There was a high-pitched hum...the room was spinning...I blacked out."
The superior officer doesn't believe him: "You ran away, you cowardly little p*ssy!"
This angers Oskar. who attacks his superior officer and almost kills him, before other soldiers rush in to pull him away. His military career is over.
Scene 2: Oskar a at home, smoking a cigarette and being morose, when his Dad comes in. He asks how much Dad lost (at gambling) tonight, but actually he won some. It doesn't matter: he lost his job, so he can't support Dad's habit anymore, or pay off the creditors: "You're a cancer. You've ruined my life." I'd say attacking your superior officer did that.
"What should I do, then? Kill myself?"
Scene 3: Cut to Oskar's room, with close-ups of a drawing of Oskar and Daddy, his military friends, and a lot of weapon parts. Oskar gets up, starts to exercise, but remembers his dead friend and stops.
He goes downstairs, but Dad isn't around, and his cell phone is broken! He rushes down to the garage, where
Dad is sitting in the running car, trying to die of carbon monoxide poisoning. Oskar rips off his shirt, rushes him outside, and performs CPR while screaming.
The police arrive, along with Marta, a middle-aged blond woman with a man's haircut. "This time he was serious," she says as she hugs another guy Sister? Mother? Ex-Wife?
More after the break
Scene 4: The three, Oskar, Marta, and the Other Guy, Sylwek (Konrad Eleryk), go through Dad's finances. His debt to banks and shadow banks amounts to 200,000 zl, and his life insurance won't pay since it was a suicide. They'll have to sell the house. "But it's our home, yada yada yada."
At the bank, Oskar and Marta discover that Dad had taken out many more loans. The money from selling the house won't nearly cover it. They ask the bank guy why he was so stupid: "Who in his right mind would lend money to that man? You're not a banker, you're a loan shark!"
Marta storms out, and the Loan Shark tut-tuts: "God bestowed women with hysteria as a token of his love." Sexist jerk.
Oskar is not impressed: "Say one more word about my sister, and I'll break your neck!"
Loan Shark suggests selling the house, paying off some, and "we'll work something out" for the rest. Is he cruising Oskar?
Uh-oh, he hears that high-pitched ringing again. Dude is having a panic attack. I get them in long lines where you're trapped, unable to move...no escape...everything closes in...so I won't stand in a line with more than two people ahead of me or behind me.
Out in the parking lot Oskar vows that he'll find the money, and they won't need to sell the house. The Loan Shark waves from his upper-story window.
Left: bonus Polish d*cks
Scene 5: Two months later. Oskar wakes up -- shirtless this time -- does jumping jacks -- something is flopping around in there! -- and dresses in his military gear. I thought he was fired. He arrives at the gigantic single-story building, sees the Girl of His Dreams, picks up his tongue from the ground, asks her for directions and to help plan the menu for their 50th anniversary dinner, and gazes at her until a coworker yells at him to move his car. Heterosexual identity established at Minute 19. Not bad.
He's the new security guard! He and his boss ride scooters through a giant department store, like Wal-Mart but much more cramped and claustrophobic. Uh-oh, more panic attacks! Everybody is using cash -- no such thing as credit or debit cards in Poland?
After awhile, Oskar sees the Girl of His Dreams in the men's wear department, and approaches to ask if their souls could be entwined for all eternity. But the coworker who yelled at him is her boss (Michal Filipiak, the one I'm here to see), so he pauses, and then his own boss pulls him away.
I was expecting a lot more violence. This is all so darn financial.
Meanwhile, the Other Guy is repairing his horrible cabin without a shirt when Oskar calls. He lets it go to voicemail: he's angry because Oskar refused to sell the house, which is putting them in worse debt. In other news, it's his birthday, so Marta plans to give him a special birthday "blowie." I guess they're married, not a brother and sister.
Scene 6: The Customs Inspectors arrive at the mall. Everyone scurries to find their receipts and hide their illegal operations. That's why it was all in cash before: all under-the-table.
Wait -- Michal brings out a sack and gives it to an older guy and a cop. They hug. Bribe money?
End of the work day. The Girl heads toward her bike. Oskar intercepts her to make his move: "Want a ride?" That's your move, doofus? What girl is going to jump into a stranger's car?
She refuses; he tries to introduce himself, and she snubs him and rides away. Don't get discouraged, Romeo. If she was eager right away, you wouldn't get a "will they or won't they" plotline and an Episode 9 Big Damn Kiss.
Scene 7: At the horrible cabin, Marta and Swylwek are hosting a barbecue for their friends. A blond guy wants to know what they will do in winter, when it gets cold. "We'll do a lot of hugging."
"But you're having a baby. There isn't room to raise a child here."
And I'm out of space.
Beefcake: Sigh. The two main guys have their shirts off constantly.
Heterosexism: Of course.
Gay Characters: Michal's character belongs to a large crime family. He displays no heterosexual interest, at least not in the first episode, so maybe he's gay-vague. Don't these guys look like they're about to kiss?
Plot: The first scenes made it seem like a gritty crime drama. Turns out to be a family drama with a lot of talk of annuities, inheritances, taxes, and who knows what? Bo-oo-rr-ing.
Although it may get more exciting later.
Bonus: Michal's penis.
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