Showing posts with label conservative. Show all posts
Showing posts with label conservative. Show all posts

Sunday, January 21, 2024

Dakare Chatman: Gemstone teen, Christ-follower, conservative spokesperson, LGBT ally. With nude dude bonus


If I ranked the Gemstone men by cuteness -- not hotness ("Gulp, what a hunk!") but cuteness ("Aww, he's adorable"), Dakare Chatman would get first place.  He played "Youth Group Teen" in three episodes of Season 1, notably the Season 1.9 scene where Kelvin announces that "I have transformed myself into something dark."

He returned in Episode 2.8 as "Mr. Dakare." who buys Junior's defunct video arcade games.   He has also had uncredited roles on Outer Banks and Mr. Mercedes, and been interviewed on Fox and Friends, the conservative news show.  That's quite an honor for someone who was a teenager at the time.

More about Dakare: he's from Charleston.  He's a singer, ballroom dancer, Christ-follower, traveler, and optimist, active in the AME Church.  He is on the National Youth Advisory Board of the John Locke Foundation, a conservative think tank, and won their Constituting America Contest twice.

Currently he is the artistic director of Practice to Perform and the manager of the re-election campaign for Sheriff Kristin Graziano of Charleston, the first out lesbian sheriff in South Carolina history. 

So: conservative think tank, AME church, Christ-follower, and gay-positive. A very unusual combination.

That's why he didn't mind participating in a tv episode about Kelvin coming out.  And this photo from Christmas is rousing my gaydar.

Gay or not, I'm sure he won't mind fans appreciating his cuteness.  And that cool, campy cutlery on his kitchen wall.

And his colorful outfits.

No nude or even beefcake photos,  so I put some random naked guys after the break.