Kelton in his birthday suit, plus birthday waffles, a costume party, nude at the pool, and Dad's dick

This is a collection of photos of actor Kelton Dumont, best known as Pontius on The Righteous Gemstones, and friends.  Mostly celebrating his birthday, in backwards chronological order.  The nude dudes are all over 18.

1. Nearing his 21st, with screen brother Gavin Munn

2. His 20th, with Dad James Dumont at  a WWE expo.

3. In case you haven't seen Kelton's butt lately.

4. 19th.  Kelton's birthday is close enough to Halloween to make costume parties feasible.

5. Not Kelton, a bud nude at the pool.

6. The big 18

More after the break

7. Kelton's got abs on his 17th.

8.  Kelton in his birthday suit for his 16th.  Seersucker. I always found that word dirty.

9. For his 15th birhday, a brownie cake.

10. Birthday waffles on his 14th.  Not a bad idea.

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